Below you
will find the current co-sponsors of the ERA Bills that have been filed in Tallahassee.
Both bills would ratify the proposed amendment to the Constitution of the United States relating to equal rights for men and women:
"Equality of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on account of sex." The bill have both been referred to the House (Chair Rep. David Simmons, 850-488-2231)
and Senate (Chair Sen. Daniel Webster, 850-487-5047) Judiciary Committees...
Please lobby the Miami-Dade delegation members who have not yet
signed on -- their names and district telephone numbers are below. We need as many co-sponsors/supporters as possible, as
soon as possible. Tell them that these
long-overdue bills are a matter of basic fairness and essential to our collective human dignity as women -- discrimination continues in Miami-Dade
County and this is one way to curtail
it. We cannot continue to call ourselves the world's biggest and best democracy
without equality for women!
Alex Diaz de La Portilla (R-36, 305-643-7200) He voted yes when the bill passed through one committee in 2003.
Alex Villalobos (R-38, 305-222-4160) He voted yes when the
bill passed through one committee in 2003, and is VCHair of the Senate Judiciary Committee.
Larcenia Bullard (D-39, 305-668-7344) Co-sponsor in 2003
Rudy Garcia (R-40, 305-384-3191)
Rep. Ralph Arza (R-102, 305-827-2720)
Rep. Tee Holloway (D-103, 305-650-2300) Co-sponsor in 2003
Rep. Gus Barreiro (R-107, 305-643-7324) Co-sponsor in 2004
Rep. Rene Garcia (R-110, 305-827-2767) Co-sponsor in 2003
Marco Rubio (R-111, 305-442-6939) Majority Leader, next Speaker
Rep. Carlos Lopez-Cantera (R-113, 305-442-6877)
Anitere Flores (R-114, 305-227-7626) First term
Rep. Marcelo Llorente (R-116, 305-273-3200)
Ken Sorensen (R-120, 305-853-1947) Termed out 2006
Joint Resolution 94: * Gwen
Margolis (D-35) Sponsor,* Nan Rich (D-34) Co-Sponsors,* Frederica
Wilson (D-33), Michael Bennett (R ), Walter "Skip" Campbell (D), Dave Aronberg (D), Tony Hill (D), Mandy Dawson (D), Steve Geller (D), Rod Smith (D), Les Miller (D)
Concurrent Resolution 203: Arthenia Joyner (D) Sponsor, Lorraine Ausley
(D) Co-Sponsors, * Dorothy Bendross-Mindingall (D-109), * Phillip Brutus
Mary Brandenburg
(D), Susan Bucher (D), * Ed
Bullard (D-118), Donna Clarke (R), Faye
Culp (R), Joyce Cusack (D), Nancy
Detert (R), Frank Farkas (R),
Anne Gannon (D), * Dan Gelber
(D-106), Audrey Gibson (D) , Ken Gottlieb D), Ron
Greenstein (D), Henriquez (D), Richard Machek (D), Sheri
McInvale (D), Frank Peterman (D) , * J.C. Planas (R-115), Ari Porth (D), Curtis Richardson (D), *David Rivera (R-112), * Julio Robaina (R-117), * Yolly Roberson (D-104), Tim Ryan (D), Franklin Sands (D), Chris Smith (D), Eleanor
Sobel (D), Priscilla Taylor (D), *
Juan Carlos Zapata (R-119)
*Miami-Dade County Delegation Members
Press Release March 15, 2005 Contact: Sandy Oestreich, ERA Inc. of Florida
727 804-3052/727 393-0932
The Equal Rights
Amendment Is Reintroduced
new constitutions guarantee equal rights for men and women--
OURS does NOT !
"It's 2005 and American women still do not have their equal rights guaranteed in the Constitution,"
says Rep. Maloney. Our brave servicewomen fight for equality in those countries--how DARE we deny it at home!
- American women still do not constitutionally have equal rights under the law, even though the U.S. ensured equal rights for women in the Afghan constitution. Polls have shown that
most Americans support equal rights, but they think they are already guaranteed in our Constitution. Reps. Carolyn Maloney
(NY-14), John Dingell (MI-15) and Rob Andrews (NJ-1) were joined by leading women's groups at a press conference today as
they re-introduced the bipartisan ERA.
"It's 2005 and women still do not
have their equal rights guaranteed in the Constitution," said Maloney. "We have fought wars overseas and guaranteed equal rights in the
Afghan constitution, but we still don't have them here at home.
"Most Americans think
equal rights are already in the Constitution, but that's simply not the case. We cannot ignore the discrimination against
women that goes on in our daily lives, even now in the 21st century."
"The time is now," said Dingell. "America
cannot wait any longer to make sure women have equal rights. When the ERA was first proposed in 1923, it was viewed as radically
progressive. Now, some three decades after Congress first passed the ERA, it's seen as commonsensical. The fact that it is
not yet part of the United States Constitution is indefensible. For the sake of our daughters and granddaughters, it's time
we correct this situation."
Eleanor Smeal, president of the Feminist Majority, said: "Not only should the
United States set an example for the world by guaranteeing equality for women,
but American women need it now. With most families dependent on employed women, a significant wage gap persists mainly because
of sex discrimination and sex segregation in the workforce.
"Meanwhile, our laws for
fighting sex discrimination are too weak and do not have the clout of the Constitution. Equality in education is also continuously
threatened, be it by presidents of major institutions or study commissions trying to water down Title IX."
Congress actually once passed the ERA, in 1972. However, 38 states over 10 years were
needed for ratification, and only 35 ratified it. The ERA has had high levels of support in recent years - in the 108th Congress,
there were 202 co-sponsors, while in the 107th Congress
there were 211.
Text of the Equal Rights Constitutional Amendment
Section 1. Equality
of rights under the law shall not be denied or abridged by the United States or by any State on
account of sex. Section 2. The Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of
this article. Section 3. This amendment shall take effect two years after the date of ratification ###
[PS. We have seen 112 legislators in Tallahassee so far this month on the ERA. There are
at least 42 cosponsors of the bills now and more coming. Breaking News tba. Cheers! Sandy Oestreich
727 804-3052]