Learn More about the ERA
Safeguarding American Values for Everyone (SAVE)

Working to end discrimination |
The unofficial, but nontheless extremely informative Web site of the National Women's
Political Caucus of Florida (NWPC/FL)...
The purpose
and goals of the National Women's Political Caucus of Florida are to increase women's participation in the political process,
to increase the number of pro-Choice women in elected and appointed positions, to win equality for women, and to support candidates
who support our goals.

The Breast Cancer Site Your click on the "Fund Free Mammograms" button helps fund mammography screenings
for underprivileged women who otherwise wouldn't receive the gift of early breast cancer detection. Mammograms are provided
by the National Breast Cancer Foundation, who puts special emphasis on reaching low-income, minority, and working-poor women
whose awareness of breast cancer and opportunity for help is often limited.